Monday, November 24, 2008


While in my pose of challenge, downward dog, my instructor will say "Now, move your hips upward and back. Pull your heels to the floor." My response whether internally or externally shared is always the same. . . "EITHER I can move my hips up and back, OR I can move my heels to the floor. Which would you prefer?" My instructor's response was "Both. You must do both. There is no either/or. There is no choice. You must move your hips up and back AND you must put your heels on the floor."  Now, while it felt ridiculous and impossible, she was teaching me to have the goal in mind, and the intention--and to not be satisfied with something in between.

I find myself thinking about this frequently and in many areas of my life. Where in the past, I'd quickly make decisions based on either/or, or tell others they needed to choose either/or, I now find myself looking for ways to achieve both goals, instead of choosing between them or some lesser form of them. While I may not achieve it right away, I have the goal in mind, which guides the path.

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